Modern American Dentistry
A Great Dentist
man smiling after a gentle tooth extraction in manhattan beacj

3 Times When a Dental Extraction Is a Good Option

February 13, 2019
close up of woman's smile during a dental exam at modern american dentistry

At Modern American Dentistry, we understand your trepidation. No one likes to think about tooth extractions, but dental extractions are sometimes necessary and, in some cases, can even contribute to a healthier and more beautiful smile.

Let’s look at times when a dental extraction—or extractions—in our Woodland Hills, CA dental office is a good option.

1. The Misery of Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are not necessary teeth. You don’t chew with them. You don’t need them to anchor anything. In fact, these troublesome teeth can encroach on other teeth and cause pain and shifting.

Sometimes, wisdom teeth only partially erupt, too, which is an invitation to root and gum infections.

Having troublesome wisdom teeth removed by our Woodland Hills, CA dentist is a quality option for a healthier smile.

2. Severe Decay

When a tooth is severely decayed and not salvageable, we recommend prompt removal. Leaving a decayed tooth in your mouth can mean ongoing toothaches and infections, which can spread to other teeth.

At Modern American Dentistry, our Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist can fit you with a natural-looking dental implant to restore your smile and keep your bite in check.

3. Prior to Orthodontics

If you have overlapping or crooked teeth, our dentist may recommend extractions before orthodontic work.

In this case, no one will know you’ve had extractions. The orthodontic work will bring your teeth in line, closing gaps and giving you a seamless smile.

What to Expect

At Modern American Dentistry, our Woodland Hills dentist always makes sure you’re relaxed and comfortable during dental extractions. The extraction site will also be thoroughly numbed.

Our team provides aftercare instructions, too.

Contact Our Woodland Hills Dental Office

If you have a severely damaged or decayed tooth, contact our Woodland Hills, CA dental office today so we can assess your options.

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