Modern American Dentistry
A Great Dentist

High Blood Pressure & Sleep Apnea

August 21, 2015
Posted By: Dr. Joel Gould

High blood pressure and sleep apnea are often connected by more than mere coincidence. They make a life-threatening pair and, if ignored, can drastically decrease your quality of life without you ever even noticing. However, a recent study suggests that simple solutions to your snoring problems can be found in the dentist’s office! A new technique called Oral Appliance Therapy may be able to completely cure sleep apnea!

As you may have already known, our California dental expert, Dr. Joel D Gould, is fascinated by sleep apnea and is constantly trying to guide suffering patients in the right direction by helping unsuspecting patients with early detection. We could not be more excited that we can start offering proven sleep apnea treatments! If you don’t have time to visit your dental professional or sleep expert, try taking an online apnea questionnaire for a few fast facts and findings.

For more information on sleep apnea, high blood pressure and how your dentist can help, check out The Huffington Post’s “Treating High Blood Pressure and Sleep Apnea, While You’re Asleep”.

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